A 50-YEAR-OLD man began sending his estranged wife abusive and distressing text messages after they split.

Hyndburn magistrates heard that at one stage Leslie Greaves bombarded her with more than 50 texts in one day.

And the court was told the harassment went on for over six months despite police giving him a warning about his behaviour.

Greaves, of Abbotsford Avenue, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to harassing Janet Greaves. He was ordered to pay £150 compensation and £65 costs and made subject to a restraining order for 12 months.

Philippa White, prosecuting, said the text messages clearly caused her a great deal of distress.

Liz Parker, defending, said Greaves still cared for his wife and wanted them to get back together.

"He accepts he went about it the wrong way," said Mrs Parker. "He was saying nasty things to try and cover the hurt he was feeling. He still loves the woman but he knows now it is finished and he can't turn the clock back."