AN East Lancashire teacher is bidding to inspire England's rugby stars by taking them to the Somme battlefield in Northern France.

Paul Garlington, head of history at Stonyhurst St Mary's Hall, Hurst Green, came up with the idea to help the squad's World Cup preparations He said he discussed the idea with former England star and Stonyhurst pupil Will Greenwood.

This led to England head coach Brian Ashton, head of rugby at Stonyhurst College between 1980 and 1987, asking him to arrange the visit.

Mr Garlington, an expert on the First World War battlefields, said: "As the World Cup is in France this year, and considering that a number of England rugby internationals died on The Somme, I felt it appropriate that they should visit war graves to pay their respects.

"For today's rugby stars to pay their respects in this way is a modern example of patriotism and the England squad should be complimented for it."

Mr Garlington, who also coaches rugby at the Catholic boarding and day school, added: "The intention is to add an extra dimension to their preparations and to boost their national pride."

The visits will take place on Thursday when the squad, management and coaches make their way to Lens for the first match against the US Eagles. They will detour to Mansell Copse near Mametz to see the graveyard containing English soldiers who lost their lives on the first day of the Battle of The Somme.

The squad will also see the Thiepval Memorial to the Missing of the Somme, where more than 72,000 soldiers are commemorated. Among them are four England rugby internationals. A total of 27 rugby players lost their lives during the Great War.

Brian Ashton said: "On behalf of the whole squad we feel it is important to visit the grave sites to pay our respects to all the brave soldiers who lost their lives fighting for their country."