When Bethany Taylor was born at just 23 weeks, nobody expected her to make it through the first 24 hours.

But the young battler proved everyone wrong - and now she is ready for her first day at school.

She is relishing this next challenge and cannot wait to start at St. Barnabus' C of E Primary, Darwen, on Wednesday.

Mum Elaine said: "She's really excited and I'm really proud. She has come so far in five years. She's as bright as a button and doesn't need any special help at this time. Her determination has got her where she is today."

Bethany was born weighing 1lb 4oz at the old Queen's Park Hospital, Blackburn, on November 18, 2002, and doctors warned Elaine and dad Paul that if she survived, she was likely to suffer heart and lung defects, brain damage, defective eyesight, and cerebral palsy.

Elaine said: "She was one of twins but sadly we lost her sibling early in the pregnancy. Bethany's problems began at 23 weeks when I was losing lots of fluid.

"The medics made fantastic efforts to keep her in the womb but in the end she had to be born. It was a huge shock.

"Seeing our baby so tiny, desperately fighting for life, was very distressing. We were under no illusions and knew it was mainly down to her to pull through. She kept struggling despite repeated chest infections. She's been a real fighter. Perhaps, having lost her twin, she's been fighting for both of them."

Bethany spent 141 days in various hospitals including the Royal Manchester Children's Hospital, Alder Hey, Booth Hall and Liverpool Women's Hospital before being allowed home.

Elaine added: "Bethany has said that she wants to be a nurse when she grows up so she can help babies like she was, but now she seems to be set on being a pop star! She's always singing and posing with a microphone."

Bethany is growing stronger all the time. She loves to climb trees and jump around on her trampoline despite weighing only the same as an 18-month-old baby.

Elaine said: "She's extremely tall for her age but very skinny.

"People look at her and think she's fragile but she's anything but. She's very robust and can't wait to join in with others."