ONE of East Lancashire's biggest ever charity walks took place on the day Princess Diana died.

And Ian Woolley, a former East Lancashire hospital trust chairman, has recalled how her death cast a shadow over the walk along the M65 as 5,000 people helped raised £180,000 for an MRI scanner.

Mr Woolley said: "The death of Princess Diana put a cloud over the event and the weather was terrible.

"But despite these setbacks, we had a fantastic turnout to the walk.

"When I turned on the news to hear about the crash I was numb and totally shocked that this could happen to such a wonderful person.

"She was a controversial character but we must not forget all the wonderful work she did with the many charities she did worked for."

Mr Woolley said the mourning at the walk was unimaginable and people of all ages and backgrounds were in shock.

He said: "There was a general feeling of disbelief and people were walking around in a daze but I don't think it was until later in the day that the real magnitude of what had happened really hit everyone.

"Half way down the walk a farmer had put the British flag on a bridge which was meant to be flown at full mast but he had lowered it to half mast because of the news and that is when it really struck me.

"I still can't believe that such an horrific accident could happen to a person like Diana in a place like Paris.

"I can't believe that after all this time we still haven't had a full explanation for her death."