BURNLEY Council's deputy leader has quit the post to spend more time with his family.

Coun Charles Bullas has also quit as a member of the authority's decision-making body, the executive commitee, where he was a member without portfolio.

But he remains a Liberal Democrat councillor for the Coal Clough with Deerplay ward in the town.

He announced his resignation last week and will step down from today (Aug 31) after 15 months in both posts.

Coun Margaret Lishman has been appointed as the new deputy council leader, but Coun Bullas' vacant post on the executive will remain unfilled.

Coun Lishman will continue as executive member for the environment in addition to her new role.

Council leader Gordon Birtwistle said: "Coun Bullas has taken a decision that he is to step down as deputy leader and from his role on the executive and that is purely for personal reasons.

"Over the last 18 months Charlie has worked very hard and his jobs have all been all consuming really so he feels it is time for a well deserved break so he can spend a bit more time with his family.

"He may well return to front-line politics in the future, but for now I would like to thank him for all his hard work and support."

Coun Bullas, 65, was executive member for the environment during the transfer of Burnley's waste contract from Biffa to Veiola and he also re-established street cleaners in many areas of the town worst affected by litter.

The resignation will be discussed at a meeting of the council next week because it affects the make-up of the Executive - which will now consist of six instead of seven members.

There will be a saving of £2,200 arising from the reduction in payment of executive member allowances for the remainder of the municipal year.

Coun Bullas was unavailable for comment yesterday.