A SECURITY van driver was left cowering in terror after armed rob-bers wearing a Scream mask and a monkey disguise struck at an out-of-town retail park.

The men fled empty-handed after the driver locked himself in the van outside the B&Q store on Nova Scotia Retail Park, off Bolton Road, Blackburn, at 11.30am today.

Witnesses said a burgundy Ford Escort ground to a halt behind the Loomis van before two masked men jumped out, one brandishing a large knife.

They said the car was immediately driven off at speed towards the nearby Comet store where it was dumped before the pair jumped over a wall and escaped on to Mayfield Street.

The pair then got into the back of a waiting vehicle, thought to be a gold Saab.

This car was seen being driven along Mayfield Street, before turning left on to Highfield Road and then right on to Rockfield Street.

Police are appealing for anyone with information to come forward. One eyewit-ness, who did not want to be named, said: "It was bizarre.

"The guys just sped off straight away. They were masked and one had a weapon, it looked like a meat cleaver."

Police officers spoke to witnesses and towed away a burgundy Ford Escort for analysis.

Det Sgt Paul Ryan said: "We are treating this incident very seriously, particularly because one of the offenders was brandishing a large knife.

"Fortunately due to the swift actions of the security guard and the staff and customers at B&Q, no-one was seriously injured.

"We are looking for three men; two of the were travelling in the maroon Ford Escort and one was in the Saab, which was waiting on Mayfield Street.

"If anyone recognises the description of these offenders or saw the cars in the area before or after the incident, please contact us as soon as possible."

The Escort driver was white, 5ft 8ins tall, wearing a dark hooded top and a high visibility jacket.

He was also wearing a light-coloured mask which was described as being similar to the one used in the horror film Scream.

The second suspect was, slim and white. He wore a dark hooded zip-up top and a monkey mask.

The Saab driver, was white, aged 30 to 40, around 6ft tall, muscular, with a skin head cut. He was wearing a light brown fleece.

* Loomis is the new name for Securitas Cash Handling Services.