YOUNG people making the move from primary to secondary school are being given advice on how to stay safe when term starts.

Many pupils who are starting a new school will be walking or cycling to school on their own and Lancashire County Council's road safety group is offering advice on how to ensure these new journeys are safe and stress free.

Around one sixth of child road casualties occur to or from school.

The road safety group has provided five top tips.

l Have a practice journey' so that your child knows exactly what to do, and you can spot any hazards.

l Find out bus timetables and fares.

l Encourage your child not to use their mobile phones or listen to music when crossing roads.

l Find out if any of your child's friends live nearby so that they can share the journey.

l Make sure they have the correct safety equipment for cycling.

The group has also arranged 20 Theatre in Education performances of The Price, based on the move from primary to secondary school and aimed at 11 and 12-year-olds.