A JUNCTION where a motorist died this week is in line for traffic calming measures in a bid to improve safety, it has been revealed.

The Manchester woman, 60, whose name has not been released, died on Tuesday night after pulling out of Pendle Road onto the A59 at Clitheroe.

Her K-reg Mazda 323 collided with an R-reg Peugeot 106 heading towards Gisburn at around 8.15pm.

Two women, a man and a baby girl were travelling in the Peugeot and were taken to the Royal Blackburn Hospital in separate ambulances.

They suffered minor injuries.

In the past seven years there have been more than 20 accidents on this stretch of the A59.

And in March 2005 Ian Gavin, 76, a retired GP from Accrington, died after a crash when he he pulled out of Sabden Road, which sits opposite to Pendle Road across the A59.

There is currently a system of bollards in place at the junction which deters drivers heading for Gisburn from turning right in to Sabden Road, and drivers heading in the other direction from performing right turns in to Pendle Road.

An LCC spokesman said that work would begin later this year to ban right turns into Pendle Road and to install radar activated speed signs on both sides of the A59.

The junction will also be altered making the entrance more prominent in the hope that eastbound traffic wanting to turn left will have to slow down.

Theses were planned before the latest tragedy.

The spokesman said: "These measures have been designed to address the type of collisions which have occurred at this location in recent years."

Nigel Evans, Conservative MP for Ribble Valley, has campaigned for several years for a roundabout at the junction instead of the bollards.

Mr Evans said: "This crash is more than just another statistic and it is more than just another accident in which someone has lost their life.

"Measures that will improve the safety of the A59 need to be introduced. Lack of money is no excuse as large sums have been raised by speed cameras across Lancashire."

In the past decade, more than 40 people have been killed and over 1,800 injured on the A59.