POLICE arrested three supected drug dealers in raids this morning.

Five warrants were executed at properties in Sackville Street, Arthur Street, Railway Street and Stanley Street, all Brierfield, and a caravan site in Colne.

Sixty police officers were involved in the raids, which were the culmination of a seven month undercover operation into the supply of class A drugs.

The properties were raided at 8.30am this morning and investigations are curently on-going.

Insp Russ Procter, Pendle's geographic inspector said that the raids will have sent a clear message to drug dealers in Brierfield.

He said: "Today we have sent a very clear message to those people who are involved in dealing drugs, that the police do know who they are and what they are doing. They will be targeted and their activities will not be tolerated. We will leave no stone unturned in our bid to rid the streets of these dealers."

The raids were part of Operation Nimrod, a force wide operation dedicated to tackling drugs-related crime right across the county.