AN annual police campaign is offering safety advice in a bid to prevent attacks on drinkers throughout Lancashire.

As part of Lancashire Police Operation Summer Nights, superintendent Richard Spedding warned personal safety should be a concern for everyone, especially after drinking alcohol.

The two-month campaign aims to tackle alcohol related anti-social behaviour promoting public health messages and safety advice.

Supt Spedding said: "Decision-making may be impaired after having drunk alcohol.

"Quite often the sensible thing to do becomes less appealing the more alcohol is consumed.

"We want people to think about looking after themselves when on a night out or getting home from one.

"By following some simple advice we can all enjoy a drink or two but make sure that we get home safely."

Tips includes planning your route home, avoiding isolated bus stops/train stations and sitting near to the driver or close to other passengers.

People should try to keep to busy well-lit areas and not take short cuts and walk away from bushes and buildings.

Valuables such as mobile phones, jewellery etc should be kept out of sight.

Carry a personal alarm. If attacked, use it and scream as loudly and you can.