A MAN arrested for child sex offences told police his offending was getting progressively worse.

Blackburn magistrates heard Christopher John Heslop said if he was released he may not be able to stop himself looking at pornographic images of children.

Heslop, 35, of Lambeth Street, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to indecently assaulting a 13 year girl, making indecent charges of a child and three charges of possessing indecent images of a child. He was committed in custody to Preston Crown Court to be sentenced.

Parveen Akhtar, prosecuting, said Heslop had no previous convictions. When he was arrested he admitted looking t images of children and regularly watching child pornography.

She applied for a remand in custody because of the risk of further offences and for the defendant's own protection.

"He told police if he was released he would self harm and may even attempt to take his own life," said Miss Akhtar.

Ian Huggan, defending, said his client had pleaded guilty to serious allegations and understood? the position he was in.

"He doesn't want to apply for bail," said Mr Huggan.