A MUM has issued a warning to parents after her 14-year-old son was asked to get into a stranger’s car on the way to school.

Toni Burford, from Blackburn, said her youngest son, Jenson, was walking to Witton Park Academy on Monday when he was approached by a man in Spring Lane, near a set of traffic lights.

Mrs Burford, 43, said the man told her son he knew her and offered to take him to school.

After not recognising the man, Jenson did not get into the car and walked off, and watched the car drive away.

The car was described as black, rectangular, four doors, left-hand drive, and the driver was in his late 30s, white and balding.

Mrs Burford said she was so pleased her son knew better than to get in the car.

She said: “Jenson said the man had wound his window down and asked him to get in.

“He didn’t tell anyone at school and only told me when he got home, after that we called the police.

“I was very angry when he told me what happened.

“This could have been a completely different situation, you always think about what could have happened if he had got in the car, it’s scary.

“I could have easily been telling a different story here,

“I want to make parents aware that it can easily happen to their children.

“I walked to the spot where it happened on Tuesday with my son and I waited around for a bit to see if this was a way the man went on a daily basis, but we didn’t see him.

“I encourage him to walk to school because its good exercise for him," said Mrs Burford.

“I praised him for not getting in the car and I’m glad he knew that there are some bad men and bad women in the world.”

A police spokesman said officers were made aware of the incident.