A CONSERVATIVE town councillor has hit back at claims the council budget has been mismanaged.

Cllr Brian Taylor said the council, which is led by the Conservative Party and Lib Dems coalition, had been forced to seek permission to dip into reserves at the last council meeting after going over budget.

However, Tory Darwen Town Cllr Kevin Connor said they had ‘categorically not used reserves.’

He said: “The budget last year was set by the Labour group. Missed from the budget was any provision for new St Georges and Union Flags as the old ones were unusable. These cost £5,000.

“No provision was made for any access to power on the three-day market site after demolition.

“Despite this and a £10,000 overspend on one of the two events organised by the Labour group I can assure people that we have met every aspect of the Labour budget and more, we categorically have not used reserves and we have not asked for any increase in the council tax precept.

“The Christmas market was an addition to the budget, brought about by the success of the food festival.

“So to be factual any divergence should be classed as an under estimate rather than an over spend.

“Last year every single event watch was conducted in horrendous weather but people turned out in force.

“Pity some elements of the Labour group can only be negative and cannot show some confidence in what is being achieved”