A NIGHTCLUB has invested tens of thousands of pounds in creating a Mediterranean style rooftop terrace for their customers who smoke.

Management at Roxy nightclub in Market Street have invested £40,000 on Sky, which comprises wooden decking, plants, water features and contemporary furniture to create an "al fresco" experience for night clubbers.

Planning permission to build was given on April 2 but the poor weather meant the project did not open before the national ban on smoking in public enclosed places came into effect on July 1.

Since then smokers have been forced out of the nightclub and onto the street when they want to light up.

Manager Leanne Parsons, 23, said: "We are aware a high percentage of our clientele do smoke and didn't want to alienate those people but we also welcome the smoking ban for our other customers and staff who don't smoke.

"With us being 'land-locked' we couldn't build out so the only way was up.

"We have really done this to cater for the smokers but it's also good for the town and the nightlife economy in Darwen.

"The customers have been desperate for it to open and have been asking us about it for weeks."

The 92 square metre terrace, which opened on Friday, can accommodate 50 of the maximum 400 revellers legally permitted in the nightclub.

Many pubs and clubs have built smoking shelters in light of the new law but Leanne said they wanted to create a space for all revellers.

Owner Reg Gorton was inspired by his holidays in the Mediterranean.