COUNCIL tax prices in Burnley look set to rise by up to £8 under new plans.

Reports have been published setting out proposals for how Burnley Council will meet its financial challenges over the next year and looking forward to 2022.

Factors affecting the budget include a two per cent pay increase for local council workers, which is being agreed nationally and which Burnley Council has to implement.

The proposed budget would see Burnley Council working to the limit set nationally, which would mean an increase in household council tax bills of 2.99 per cent.

This approach is in line with that being taken by many other councils locally, and means that Burnley’s share of the council tax bill for a Band D property would be £291.50 for the year – an increase of £8.46.

The council tax increase for Band A properties will be 11p per week.

Council leader Cllr Mark Townsend said: “The annual budget setting process continues to be very challenging.

"This is largely the result of changes to local government budget rules and cash reductions imposed by central government.

"Whilst increasing council tax is not something we would wish to do, it is unavoidable if we are to maintain sustainable services in the face of the savage and unrelenting cuts we face year on year from central Government.

“Over the last six years the council has had to make savings of £10.2 million in response to Government imposed austerity and a further £3.2 million is required over the next three years to balance the books."