A MAN seen trying to get into a Blackburn church was detained by members of the public who were concerned by his behaviour.

Blackburn magistrates heard Kieran Anthony McKillop, 25, shouted that he was Donald Trump and that he had just come out of prison and wasn't bothered if he went back.

And police who arrested him said they couldn't smell alcohol but his behaviour was erratic.

McKillop, of De Lacey House, Preston New Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to disorderly behaviour. He was fined £80 and ordered to pay £30 victim surcharge.

Tracy Yates, prosecuting, said the incident occurred outside St Luke and St Philip's Church on Hancock Street. He was trying to the into the local church and members of the public were so concerned they detained him until the police arrived.

Mark Williams, defending, said his client had a problem with spice which had had a significant affect on his mental health.

"He says he went to the church for a legitimate reason but couldn't get in," said Mr Williams. "Members of the public thought he was trying to get in illegally and called the police. He has already spent 48 hours in custody as a result of his arrest."