A CAMPAIGN group is fighting for motorists who have been fined outside a Blackburn restaurant.

The Roe Lee Retail Parking Centre Action Group has battled to get the fines overturned on the car park outside Gourm8 on Whalley New Road. It is calling on anyone who has been hit with fines by CPM to come to tonight’s meeting at the Brownhill Arms from 7pm.

Mary Anderson from the group managed to get her daughter’s fine cancelled, but fears others may not have been so lucky.

She said: “The signage on the car park was inadequate, there are no warnings on entering the car park saying you could not park on certain places.

“Also the contract was with the owner of Gourm8 but it was not valid as it was signed by manager and not him.

“I asked my daughter about the fine and she did not know whether she parked there but they contacted her after getting her details from the DVLA.

“One of the members of staff had been coming out to take photographs of the parked cars but I don’t know why they could not have said you cannot park here. We were told to ignore the fines but then letters came through for CCJs and then after going to court the judge threw it out as not being legal.

“We want to find other people who may have been affected.” To find out more visit the Roe Lee Retail Parking Centre Action Facebook Group.