A 31-YEAR-old man subjected his former partner to “emotional abuse” even though their relationship had ended 12 months earlier.

Blackburn magistrates heard that on one occasion Christopher Scott Lynch walked into her home and started “wrecking” the place.

And while he was on bail for that offence he sent her instagram messages which caused her distress.

Lynch, of Delph Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to breaching a restraining order and harassing the woman. He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with a 20 day rehabilitation activity requirement. He was also made subject to a further restraining order for two years which prohibits him from having any contact with the woman or entering the road where she lives.

Alex Mann, prosecuting, said the messages sent by Lynch mainly blamed the woman for his state of mind and saying if he was going to harm himself it would be her fault.

One said ‘There ain’t no coming back from death, remember that’ and another said ‘If I wake up in the morning it will be a miracle’.

Ben Leech, defending, the visit to the woman’s home had been sparked by information his client received about her new boyfriend and his associates.

“Based on what he heard he was concerned about the welfare of his daughter and that was the purpose of his visit,” said Mr Leech. “He was forcibly ejected from the house by two men and any damage caused was as a result of that. He accepts he needs some help and intervention to ensure there is no repeat of this in the future.”