A CHARITY shop has apologised after a sign blunder in a town centre.

The British Heart Foundation shop was planning to remove the sign on George Street, Blackburn, after it caused confusion for motorists.

The apology comes after driver Jason Walker contacted the Lancashire Telegraph saying the sign was an ‘accident waiting to happen’.

The 37-year-old, who passed his driving test in December, was confused when he drove along Pilkington Road and saw two conflicting signs as he came into George Street.

He saw the one-way street signs yet a board for the British Heart Foundation car park was telling drivers to go the opposite direction.

He said: “It made me chuckle when I first saw it but then I thought about how dangerous it could be if you are not from the area.

“It was a bit off-putting and I thought about the other people who have just passed their driving test or learning. Then what do you do when you get to the end of the road?”

“It is a catch 22 situation and is a joke because it is a one-way street.”

Mr Walker said there could have been ‘catastrophic’ consequences if people followed the British Heart Foundation sign.

He said: “I thought someone like the British Heart Foundation would have a bit more sense than to put up something like that and not know about the one-way system.

“Drivers may think the coast is clear then find themselves with oncoming cars about to hit them.

“Both of those motorists will think they are right by following the signs. But if you get hit by a car after going down the street the wrong way then it is your fault.

“There is a sharp bend at the corner of Bridge Street coming onto George Street and someone could have an accident or even a fatality.”

A spokesman for the British Heart Foundation said: “The sign was put up in error and will be removed today. We apologise for any confusion to drivers.”