A SCHOOL has been praised by education watchdog Ofsted.

Roe Lee Park Primary School in Emerald Avenue Blackburn was rated ‘good’ following a two-day inspection in November.

Lead inspector John Donald said the school, which had formerly been rated ‘requires improvement’, was well-led and staff were ‘committed’ to keeping pupils safe.

He said: “The senior leadership team is secure, this school is in safe hands. Senior leaders have a good awareness of the school’s strengths and priorities for development.

“Leaders, governors and staff are committed to keeping pupils safe and all staff have completed safeguarding training.

“Since the previous inspection, the local authority has helped leaders to strengthen school development planning and sharpen self-evaluation. Consequently, leaders are better placed to identify and act on priorities.”

Mr Donald said pupils were given the opportunity to take part in a variety of activities including music, art and sport and were able to learn about other cultures.

He said: “Pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is promoted well. Pupils benefit from a broad and balanced curriculum enhanced by a range of visitors and visits. In music, pupils have opportunities to play percussion instruments; they sing enthusiastically in assemblies and learn about art from different cultures.

“Additional funding for sports in primary schools is used effectively to provide training and development opportunities for staff and increase pupils’ participation in various sports. Pupils who have special educational needs (SEN) and or disabilities continue to make good progress.”

Headteacher Mark Geldard said the report was a ‘pleasing outcome’ and predicted the school would continue to improve in the future.

He said: “We are delighted with this report and especially how Ofsted has recognised the whole school community.

Staff, parents, pupils and Governors have come together to achieve such a pleasing outcome for the school. We have a very strong team here and we are well placed to continue to improve this school into the future.”