A CON man has been knocking on people's doors in Blackburn and Darwen asking for £20 for a taxi, police have warned.

Police warned on Facebook that an Asian man had been using variations on the same story to try to get money out of unsuspecting residents.

Blackburn and Darwen Police wrote: "Over recent weeks we have received reports of an Asian man knocking on doors across Blackburn and Darwen asking for money. He will usually state he is a neighbour and he needs to borrow £20 to pay for a taxi.

"There are variations on the story - all of which are untrue. DO NOT under any circumstances give him any money! It is a scam. Please share with friends and family if they live anywhere in the area as a warning. Thanks very much."

Lancashire Telegraph:

Other people then commented on the post to say they had encountered the man.

Ceri Joyce wrote: "Three weeks ago I answered the door to this man.

"Very touchy feely. Smiley and asked for money for a taxi. Shear Bank Road area.

"Fortunately I was with the 95-year-old lady who owns the house."

Krysia Cooper added: "Ann Croak, this could be the man who knocked on your door last Saturday."

Samantha Almond added: "Wonder if was the same as the one that came to Grandad's."