A MAN rang police in the early hours of the morning and told them he had a knife and was going to harm himself and others.

Blackburn magistrates heard when police arrived Anthony Neil McCombs was still in the phone box on Railway Road in the town and still had the knife in his hand.

He initially refused to hand it over but agreed when the officers threatened to tasar him.

McCombs, 3, of Heatley Close, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to possessing a knife in a public place. He was remanded on bail for the preparation of a pre-sentence report.

Catherine Allan, prosecuting, said McCombs had held the knife to his own throat but there was also a threat to other people as well," said Miss Allan.

Gareth Price, defending, said his client did not accept that he threatened anyone else.

"The only person at risk was him," said Mr Price. "The offence was indicative of his state of mind at the time."