A CHILD sexual exploitation survivor trekked through the Brazilian jungle to raise vital funds for the charity which supported him through his ordeal.

Kyran Peet, from Chorley, raised £2,200 through sponsorship for The Children's Society by being one of 12 people to take part in a week-long expedition, which took in rainforest, mountains and beaches.

The 19-year-old wanted to give something back to the national charity which helped him when he was groomed by an older man he met through Facebook aged just 13.

Mr Peet said: "The trek was the hardest and most intense week of my life, both physically and mentally, but I'm so proud I pushed through and completed it.

"We climbed the Sugar Loaf and Jamanta peaks, working day and night, getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and red ants, and losing clothing in the rainforest.

"But it was also the most amazing thing I've ever done and so worthwhile to raise funds for such an important cause."

The man who abused Mr Peet claimed he was in his late teens but was actually in his early twenties and would come and stay with him and his mum at their house in Chorley.

Mr Peet told his mum the man was 16 and just a friend.

But when he began to have doubts and discovered the man's real age, he reported the abuse with support from The Children's Society and the case went to court, and his abuser jailed.

He is now an ambassador for the charity because its Lancashire Street Safe service had been there for him when he needed help.

Mr Peet said: "I didn't think it was anything abusive at the time - I thought I was in love.

"There was the sexual abuse but also mental abuse too, because when I began to have doubts about him he would make me feel like I was crazy.

"The Children's Society encouraged me to report what had been happening, advised me about staying safe and supported me through the court case.

"I want other young people to know this help is available."

The Children's Society's Lancashire area manager, Stuart Chaplin, said: "We are all really proud of Kyran.

"Completing this trek and raising vital funds to enable The Children's Society to help other young people is in itself a fantastic achievement and incredible gesture."

Anyone wishing to can still sponsor Kyran retrospectively at www.justgiving.com/kyranpeet