A BLACKBURN businessman has written a book encouraging people to make a conscious effort to be kind.

John Magee launched ‘Kindness Matters’ during the Blackburn Rovers game at E Wood park on Saturday.

The book calls on people to take part in a 30 day challenge carrying out random acts of kindness (RAOK).

It tells stories of real acts of kindness as well as providing hints and tips on how to apply it to daily life.

It is part of a wider campaign to encourage people to commit to 30 days of RAOK.

Mr Magee is the co-founder of STREETS UK with Blackburn Rovers star and friend David Dunn which supports at-risk kids.

Part of his work includes talking to youngsters in schools about his journey from being involved in organised crime to working in the community.

In 2012 he formed We Love RAOK which is now a global movement with tens of thousands of followers on social media.

Mr Magee said: “In 2012 I wrote a lesson plan called ‘random acts of kindness’ to support families and communities from through the North West of the UK.

“The idea was for families and communities to take part in a 30 day kindness challenge.

“It was while I was delivering training and coaching workshops that I witnessed the power of kindness from the stories I collected from the various communities.”

He said he was advised by a friend to write about it which is how the book Kindness Matters was born.

He said: “It is my vision and mission by 2020 to create an annual global 30 Days of RAOK movement, whereby we all commit to doing the monthly challenge.

“For me there is no better feeling than knowing that when you have gone out of your way to help another person with no expectation of reward.”

A percentage of the book’s royalties are going to CoppaFeel Cancer Charity which raises money for breast cancer.

Books will also be donated to community-based projects to encourage families to think about how kindness can have a positive impact on them and others.