A 30-YEAR-OLD woman who drove away from a family wake when fighting broke out crashed into a parked car on her way home.

Blackburn magistrates heard Dawn Greenhalgh gave a roadside breathalyser reading nearly three times the legal limit but then failed to provide a further sample at the police station.

Greenhalgh, of Whalley New Road, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to failing to provide a specimen for analysis and driving without insurance.

She was made subject to a community order for 12 months with 40 hours’ unpaid work and a condition of attendance on the drink impaired driver’s programme and ordered to pay £85 costs and £85 victim surcharge.


She was banned from driving for 36 months after the magistrates were told it was her second drink-related conviction within 10 years.

Tracey Yates, prosecuting, said when police arrived in Barton Street, Greenhalgh initially denied being the driver of a Renault Clio which had crashed into a parked Mercedes.

“A group of males came out of a nearby building and they identified her as the driver,” said Mrs Yates.

“The officer also recovered a parking ticket from her handbag which related to the Clio at which point she admitted being the owner and driver of the car.”

Richard Prew, defending, said Greenhalgh had been at her uncle’s wake and had then made the foolish decision to drive away when a fight broke out.

“She says she did try her very best to provide a sample but she was very upset and it didn’t happen,” said Mr Prew.