A DRUNKEN man caused a scene at his daughter’s nursery nativity play.

Blackburn magistrates heard Robert Charles Cochrane, who stank of drink, hugged the child and then became abusive towards his ex-partner and his mother.


And when they left the nursery Cochrane followed and continued to be abusive and threatening.

Cochrane, 35, of Edmund Street, Accrington, pleaded guilty to breach of a restraining order and using threatening behaviour.

He was made subject to a community order for 12 months with a six-month alcohol treatment requirement and 25 days’ rehabilitation.

Andy Robinson, prosecuting, said Miss Spencer and the defendant’s mother had gone to the nursery nativity and she noticed Cochrane turned up and stood at the back of the hall.

When the production finished Cochrane came forward and hugged his child.

“She was embarrassed because he stank of beer and then started being abusive towards his mother,” said Mr Robinson.

“They were out on the street when he started shouting again and made nasty and spiteful comments towards Miss Spencer.”

Damian Pickup, defending, said the defendant’s mother acted as go-between in making arrangements for access to the child.

“He says he got a message via his mum to say he could attend that particular performance of the nativity,” said Mr Pickup.

“He has not breached the restraining order since it was imposed in February last year and he assumed she would not be at the performance. He maintains the implication was that she wouldn’t be there.”

He said Cochrane accepted he had a couple of pints that morning and had been drinking heavily the night before.

He says that when he went to give his daughter a hug Miss Spencer accused him of being drunk and said he shouldn’t be there,” said Mr Pickup.

“He knows he shouldn’t have been abusive but he says it wouldn’t have happened if she hadn’t been at the nativity performance she invited him to attend.”