PLANS to build one of Burnley's new super-schools on greenfield land off Rossendale Road could be close to defeat.

Instead, Burnley Council and Lancashire County Council are close to finalising a deal to put the school - Hameldon College - on land off Melrose Avenue.

The proposals will be discussed at a special secret meeting of the council's Better Services Scrutiny committee next week.

A report to the committee says councillors will "consider a report on the current state of negotiations to finalise the legal agreements with Lancashire County Council in order to provide a school at the Melrose Avenue site."

Burnley council has long opposed county plans to build the new community college on greenfield land off Rossendale Road because they claim traffic levels would be unsafe and the development would damage the area.

But the location is supported by the group Campaign for a Local Secondary School.

The new school building is part of the £250 million Building Schools for the Future Programme.

Burnley leader Gordon Birtwistle said: "The Melrose Avenue site is Burnley Council's preferred option.

"We are working closely in partnership with the county council to make it a viable option, for the good of the community, the future of our children and for the benefit of the borough as a whole."