A HISTORIC building which was under threat of being knocked down has been relaunched as an evangelical chapel.

The former Blacko Independent Methodist Ebenezer Chapel has been transformed by well-known local property developer John Kay into the Blacko Evangelical Chapel.

The new-look chapel in the village of Blacko, has been undergoing extensive renovation over the past 12 months with the south annex rebuilt and gable rebuilt and a new kitchen put in.

It has been repainted and redecorated and had new windows and doors fitted.

The chapel now holds three services a week and is soon to throw open the doors to villagers to enjoy tea, coffee and a chat.

Blacko Primary School also uses the chapel for performing plays.

Mr Kay, of Blacko Tower Farm, who also preaches at the chapel, said he was inspired by God to undertake the project despite misgivings from his wife.

He said: "I went down to look at Blacko Chapel and my wife said I hadn't to buy it. She was totally against me buying it. I said to her that I had no intention of buying it.

"I looked round and went out of the chapel and sat in my van. The lord sent me back inside and I offered them the full asking price.

"For 12 months I was in the dog house but the lord changed her mind and now she plays the organ in the chapel.

Mr Kay who became a born again Christian 24 years ago, said that he hoped the chapel will be a focal point for the community.

"It's about trying to get the people in the village back into the chapel", he said.

Services are now held three times a week and the venue is attracting a regular congregation of up to 12 people.

Services take place on Sundays 10.30am to 11.30am and again from 6.30pm and on Wednesdays from 6.30pm to 7.30pm.

He added: "It is for people to use. We are looking to do some pottery classes, it can be used for weddings. We have got a massive downstairs hall.

"At the end of the day everyone who wishes to hear the word of God can come to the chapel.

For more information about the chapel or services ring Mr Kay on 01282 447029.