A QUANTITY surveyor was almost five times the drink drive limit when police stopped him after an all day drinking session.

Burnley magistrates heard how Paul Campbell, 24, of Whitegate Close, Padiham, was not an alcoholic, but drank a lot.

His solicitor told the court it was the highest breath test reading he had come across in 15 years of practice.

The defendant had been facing jail but was spared, and the bench told him he had been "very, very lucky".

Campbell, who admitted driving with excess alcohol, was banned for 40 months and was given a four month curfew, seven days a week, between 8pm and 6am. He must also pay £50 costs and a £15 surcharge for victim support.

Carl Gaffney, prosecuting, said the police received reports Campbell had been drinking all day and patrols were alerted. He was stopped safely and co-operated with police at the roadside.

He was unsteady on his feet and smelled strongly of alcohol.

Mr Gaffney said Campbell gave a positive roadside breath test and a police station test revealed 169 microgrammes of alcohol in 100 mililitres of breath - the legal limit is 35.

Kevin Preston, defending, said a curfew would curtail the defendant's habit of going to the pub and keep him under the watchful eye of his partner.