A 29-year-old man who had revolutionary surgery to save his life when he was a baby has collapsed and died at home.

Robin James Howarth, known as Rob, died at his girlfriend's home in Bradford Street, Accrington, after waking up with erratic breathing.

His parents have led tributes to their son, and said he had lived day by day and did not let his heart condition stop him from doing anything.

Robin, of Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwisle, was born with a defective heart valve which resulted in a heart attack when he was just four weeks old.

He was rushed to the Royal Liverpool Children's Hospital, where he had an operation to correct the faulty valve at five weeks.

Although Robin's operation was a success he needed further treatment throughout his life.

His girlfriend Lydia Tetlow, 26, Bradford Street, Accrington, said she woke on Tuesday to hear him struggling to breathe. She said: "It was like he was in a bad nightmare, he was breathing really heavily, I tried to wake him. He tried to sit up but then he collapsed.

"I miss him so much, he was the best thing that happened to me. I have never been so happy."

The self-employed bricklayer's mum, Christine Howarth, 57, of Rhyddings Street, Oswaldtwistle, said: "He knew from when he was very young he had a condition but he never let that stop him.

"He had climbed Mount Snowdon in Wales before Christmas and had abseiled down a railway bridge, he was very active and did lots of exercises, he had no fear.

"His philosophy was that he lived a day at a time but to live for the day."

His father, Jeffrey Haworth, 57, of Blackburn Road, Oswaldtwistle, said: "Robin built a wall for me the day before he died. I was mixing the cement whilst he put up the bricks. I couldn't keep up with him.

"He was loved by his friends and family, we are all absolutely distraught."

Robin, a former pupil of St Wilfrid's C of E High School, Blackburn, had a sister Naomi, 22.

His mum said: "He was a terrific son. When I had breast cancer last year he would come up and see me all the time, whether it was for 10 minutes or a couple of hours."

His funeral will be held on Tuesday at Accrington crematorium. Police confirmed there will not be an inquest.