A STREET was filled with thick black smoke when a man set fire to 50kg of wire in an attempt to make money.

Fire crews, police and an ambulance were called to an address off Lower Hazel Close, Blackburn, after reports a house was on fire.

They found a large quantity of insulated copper wire had been set alight at around 3.20am yesterday.

Blackburn crew manager Dave Hilliard said people burn the plastic off wire to access the copper, which they then sell.

He said: "Driving to the scene we could see thick black smoke and our first thoughts were that a house was on fire and the ambulance and police were contacted.

"The person at the house who did this knew that thick smoke would be produced when any attempt to extract copper wire, from plastic insulating it, was made, so they decided to do it at night."

A resident of Lower Hazel Close, who asked to remain anonymous, said: "This is the second time this has happened. I woke up and the street was filled with thick smoke. I thought it was a house fire."

Another resident said: "I wondered what was going on. There was smoke everywhere - I didn't know what to think. I thought it was serious because all the emergency services came. "

Mr Hilliard added: "It was a very foolish thing to do. People are under the impression that the copper wire won't sell if plastic is encasing it but it does. It may not make the same kind of money but it will sell. It was clear the person was trying to make some money from it but we had to put the fire out."

Insp Graham Ashcroft, of Blackburn Police, said: "We were called to an address in Arthur Way after being advised of this person's actions. The male had been burning a cable. We attended the scene but no further action was taken."