AN ANGRY man kicked and tried to stangle his estranged wife after she accidentally knocked a meal from his hand.

Burnley magistrates heard how Nizam Uddin, 35, admitted assault by beating and possessing cannabis, on February 9. He was bailed until March 14, for a pre-sentence report and the bench said they were looking at a community penalty.

Sophie Lorimer, prosecuting, told the court the defendant, of Belford Street, and the victim were separated and when he turned up at her door, she did not let him in.

Uddin returned later the same day and when the victim picked her children up from school, Uddin walked into the house behind them and helped himself to some food.

Mrs Lorimer said as the victim was removing her outdoor clothing, she accidentally knocked a plate from her estranged husband's hand.

She said he became very angry, kicked her in the back, punched her in the body and head and then put her scarf around her neck and tried to strangle her.

Brian Walsh, defending, said Uddin and his wife had lived apart for a year but he had visited her regularly to see the children.