IT IS the small things that matter in life. Everything else can wait.

Honest reviews don’t come along very often.

Here, I am going to be honest as possible.

Last week, I headed off to the new Blackburn Leisure Centre for the first time. It didn’t take them that long to build and on the whole, it wasn’t too bad an experience.


I think when ‘they’ have done a good job, then maybe we should applaud their efforts.

The sauna and steam room was top notch and on the pool was pretty good, too. It was also good to see the familiar Waves staff on duty at the centre.

There is nothing more welcoming than seeing someone you know – even if it is a ‘hello’.

The steam room was a little too hot for my liking, though, but it didn’t stop a friend of mine who could do with shedding a few extra stone from staying inside it for 15 minutes.

They really are quality facilities on the whole.

On the downside, I do not like the showers.

I’m sorry, but the Waves showers were far more powerful and effective.

Either they are trying to save water (which makes sense) or they are already knackered (which they can’t be).

Also a big problem is the lack of sessions where I can bring my kids.

The thing it is, it is unlikely I am going to be free until 7pm everyday but the small pool closes. Or they have splash aerobics, which doesn’t suit me just yet.

Maybe when I am 60 I will give it a go.

The biggest problem I had, though, was hearing from the ‘moaners’.

As a Beez card holder, you are able to use the swimming pool for free, but for one of my pals, it simply wasn’t good enough.

He moaned about the locker rooms and the fact he had to open the locker himself.

He moaned about the fact he couldn’t swim widths. And he moaned about the changing rooms having not enough hooks to hang his layers of clothing.

I told him he could hang his clothes on the rails above the changing rooms.

An ingenious invention.

Well, I hope that is what they are for?

But then, he moaned about the sauna being way too cold and then too hot.

There is no pleasing some people.