A ROAD safety charity has made a fresh bid to urge drivers to reduce their speed to 20mph around schools and nurseries in East Lancashire.

Brake, along with Churchill Insurance, have made another appeal to motorists in the region, which follows a similar campaign by AXA Insurance at the start of the year.

That campaign was supported by Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans who appealed to drivers in the borough to take more care around schools in his constituency.


This latest campaign comes after a national survey revealed that three in five parents reported witnessing speeding outside their child’s school or nursery in the past year.

The same number also reported drivers pulling out or turning without looking properly.

The survey shows that 47 per cent of the 1,000 parents of five to 11-year-olds said that they had seen drivers on their phones around their child’s school and 65 per cent said that they had witnessed children not being secured properly in child restraints.

The road safety charity has also invited 26,000 youngsters across the county to take part in the first Beep Beep! Day later this year.

Simon Jones, the chairman of governors at Cedar Primary School in Blackburn, said: “I think that it’s a good idea because safety around schools is important.

“However, I would say that maybe a restriction around schools should only need to be applied just before and after opening hours. Road safety around schools is a priority for everyone connected with them.”