A 19-YEAR-OLD who flagged down a taxi and then refused to pay the fare had the tables turned on him.

Blackburn magistrates heard that as Robert Gordon Wignall walked off the taxi driver flagged down a passing police car and Wignall was arrested.


Wignall, of Brookway, Blackburn, pleaded guilty to making off without payment and resisting a police officer. He was fined £330 and ordered to pay £105 costs and £27 compensation.

Philip Bardsley, prosecuting, said Wignall had flagged down the taxi in Blackburn and asked the driver to take him and another man to an address in Darwen. When they arrived he was asked for the £7 fare, but replied; “Forget it, we’re not paying.”

He tried to run, but slipped on the wet pavement and struggled during his arrest.