A POLICE chase ensued after a thief took a van as it was being unloaded in Helmshore.

Pallets were being unloaded from a white Transit van in Knowsley Park Way at 10am yesterday when a man jumped into the driving seat and set off at high speed.


The driver of the van was in the back when it was stolen.

A police spokesman said: “A workman alerted the police and a short time later the vehicle was seen heading towards Manchester. At one point a hydraulic stacker which was in the back of the van has fallen out and landed on the central reservation of the A56 dual carriageway.

“A high speed pursuit of the vehicle began, during which it collided with a police vehicle which ended up on it’s side.

“The police helicopter was scrambled to assist with the pursuit.

“The vehicle was eventually stopped in the Rochdale area.

“Fortunately there were no injuries to the man who had been in the back of the van or the officer in the police vehicle.”

A 25-year-old man was arrested by Greater Manchester Police.

The police spokesman added: “To prevent a repetition of this incident, Please be aware not to leave the ignition keys in vehicles that are being loaded or unloaded.”