A PENSIONER died after her windpipe ruptured during a medical procedure, a court heard yesterday.

Violet Astles underwent an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) procedure at Royal Blackburn Hospital last month.


The technique, which uses an endoscope and X-rays to look at the pancreatic and bile ducts, led to an oesophageal perforation, Blackburn Coroner’s Court was told.

The 79-year-old, of Conway Close, Haslingden, was taken to Royal Preston Hospital but died on February 28 at 8.50pm.

A post mortem on Friday found Mrs Astles, who was born in Preston on December 22, 1935, died from bronchopneumonia and the perforation, the court heard.

Coroner Michael Singleton adjourned the inquest in the circumstances surrounding the retired market researcher’s death until a date that is suitable for witnesses to attend.