PART of the Leeds and Liverpool Canal has been drained to find the cause of a leak.

Staff from the Canal and Rivers Trust had tried to fix the problem by carrying out grouting repair work to the canal embankment on the stretch between Finsley Gate and Manchester Road Bridge in Burnley, but were unsuccessful in sealing the leak.


The area has now been drained to allow for a full inspection. It revealed tyres and other waste which had been dumped in the water.

The canal is due to be reopened to boaters on Saturday.

A spokeswoman for the Canal and River Trust said: “Initially, when a small amount of seepage was noticed, Canal and River Trust staff carried out grouting repair work to the canal embankment.

“However, this did not resolve the issue which is why the canal has been drained to allow a full inspection and remedial work to take place.

“This is not unusual and all planned maintenance work is usually scheduled for the winter months to avoid causing disruption to boaters during the main summer cruising season.”

The spokeswoman urged people not to use the canal for fly tipping as it was unsightly and caused issues for people trying to maintain the waterways.

She said: “Sadly, it is not unusual to find rubbish, such as tyres and traffic cones, at the bottom of an urban canal when it is drained. It is the duty of all of us to care for our 200-year-old canal system and not treat the canal as a rubbish dump. Fly tipping is not a victimless crime. It’s extremely unpleasant for local residents and for the many walkers, boaters, anglers and cyclists who enjoy the canal.

“It also diverts precious time and resources into removing rubbish which should be spent on maintaining for our historic waterways. Culprits need to know they face hundreds of pounds in fines for fly tipping.”

Coun Shah Hussain, who represents the Daneshouse with Stoneyholme ward, said: “I was astonished to see the stuff they got out of the canal. Unfortunately this kind of activity happens and I would urge the public not to do it.”

o preserve the canal as a part of our heritage.

“It is a leisure place and I find it hard that people are abusing it by throwing rubbish into it.”