A BLACKBURN charity has delivered one million school meals to hungry children around the world since the start of the year.

Tauheedul Charity, based at the Business Development Centre, Eanam Wharf, works in some of the most deprived countries in the world, including Malawi, Senegal, Bangladesh, Zimbabwe, Iraq, and Syria.


The charity works primarily in education, and the million school meals project was created in recognition of the fact that children who are well fed perform better in school.

Tauheedul had set itself a target of providing a million meals by the end of the year, but it has already reached that goal well ahead of schedule.

Around the world, there are 300 million children who regularly go hungry.

In order to survive, they are often sent out to work in the fields or on the streets, and miss out on an education.

And even those who do make it to the classroom are unable to reach their potential because they are hungry.

Providing them with a meal enables them not only to attend lessons, but also to do well at school.

Tauheedul Charity director Yusuf Patel said: “At Tauheedul, we recognise that 3.1 million children die every year due to malnutrition.

“We have a vision – to provide school meals every year to one million children throughout the world.

“By providing one healthy nutritious meal to impoverished children every day, we are providing them with the energy and opportunity to learn.

“This increases school attendance and concentration and serves as their escape route from poverty and child abuse.

“The meal may only cost 50p, but that 50p can stave off their hunger and quench their thirst, with long- term benefits in terms of education.”