THE rural Post Office network has suffered another blow following the temporary closure of a branch in the Ribble Valley.

The post office in West Bradford, run from the Methodist Church in Chapel Lane, closed after the post mistress, Brenda Willis, died last month.

Residents of the village are now having to travel to Clitheroe for their pensions and stamps.

And the loss of the post office has been heightened by the lack of a village store in West Bradford.

Post Office officials are looking for someone new to run the branch and pledged that they were committed to keeping it open.

Ian Liley, Post Office field change adviser, said: "I can assure the local community that we are doing all we can to find a new subpostmaster to run the branch for a minimum of six hours each week."

The Rev Chris Cheeseman, the Methodist circuit superintendent in West Bradford, said the post office had been operating in the church for the past four years linked via computer equipment to the national Post Office network.

He added: "We are absolutely behind plans to continuing it from the church because we took it on board when we knew the shop was shutting. Having it here is a good thing for West Bradford and the people here."

Earlier this month, a fresh wave of post office closures were announced by the Government, with the number of branches expected to be reduced by 2,500 over the next two years because the Post Office is losing money.

Ribble Valley MP Nigel Evans said the rural Post Office network was vital for many people in area, especially the elderly who relied on the service.

He said: "We have seen a number close in England and the Ribble Valley over a period of time and it's distressing for elderly people and those who feel isolated with poor bus services or lack of transport in rural areas."