A WOMAN who committed "mean" offences - including stealing an 83-year-old woman's pension - has been jailed for a total of 16 months.

Lily Smith befriended the elderly woman in a supermarket and insisted on helping her home with her shopping.

But the next day she returned to the victim's home in Blackburn and stole her pension money.

Preston Crown Court heard that when she was on bail she carried out a sneak-in burglary on a man's home near Blackburn town centre.

Smith, 38, of Swift Close, Blackburn appeared for sentence on charges of burglary and theft, which she had admitted.

Francis McEntee, prose-cuting, said the defendant gained the 83-year-old woman's trust after meeting her in a Blackburn super-market at the end of June.

She helped the woman with shopping and insisted on accompanying her home, to help unload it.

Smith returned to the address the next day. Around the same time, a long-term helper of the pensioner arrived to assist the elderly lady.

He had collected the woman's £158 pension money. Smith went on to steal that money.

Smith was traced through supermarket CCTV footage and arrested.

The defendant was on bail for the theft when she carried out the burglary in October.

On that occasion she sneaked into a man's home. When the victim found her in his house she claimed to have been looking for a particular flat.

She had stolen the man's wallet and its contents.

Smith had 42 offences on her record, mainly for shoplifting, the court heard.

Kath Johnson, defending, said the two months Smith had since spent on remand in custody had been helpful and constructive for her.

She said: "She appreciates there can only be a custodial sentence. The offences were both opportunistic."

Judge Anthony Russell QC said both offences were mean.