RESIDENTS across Hyndburn have been challenged to "go green" in 2007 and cut down carbon dioxide emissions to reduce global warming.

Environmental charity the Prospects Foundation has called for volunteers from community groups to take part in the Hyndburn Carbon Footprint Challenge.

Participants will have to live a greener lifestyle for 12 months, which will include leaving the car at home and using public transport, cutting down the amount of electricity they use and recycling more of their waste.

Five local groups have already signed up. Their efforts will be monitored and at the end the community group which has made the most improvements will be awarded £1,000.

The five members of the winning group will also win £50 each and there will be prizes of £500 and £200 for the groups coming in second and third.

A spokesman for the charity said: "The New Year is nearly upon us so why not consider going green as one of your New Year's Resolutions?"

For more information about the challenge call the charity on 01254 380675.