A DOMESTIC violence support group which provides a crucial lifeline for hundreds of Rossendale women has been saved from closure.

Rossendale Domestic Violence Forum has received a £460,198 award from the Big Lottery Fund, only weeks after managers of the charity feared it would have to fold due to lack of funding.

Formed 10 years ago, the forum receives around 1,500 calls a year and offers a range of vital services for women and children experiencing abuse in the Valley, including outreach, support and training.

Trish Ellins, community safety manager at Rossendale Council and forum chairman, said: "This is fantastic news. Rossendale Domestic Violence Forum celebrated its 10 year anniversary last month, but was in real danger of having to close down.

"Receiving this funding for the next three years not only means security for the staff, but gives us the opportunity to develop and expand the services offered to victims and survivors of abuse in the borough."

The Reaching Communiti-es Grant will help pay the wages of the forum's six full time staff - it also relies heavily on its volunteers - and for premises.

The charity is also planning to extend its services to help younger people. Trish said: "Domestic violence is extremely traumatic for children involved, so we want to look into specialised counselling for them."

Recently it set up a minority ethnic group with its own dedicated support worker, after the number of calls from women from minority groups steadily increased.

Trish said: "Domestic violence can take many forms, and the help we give can be anything from advice over the phone to an ongoing support network. We also have a solicitor on hand to advise women on their rights. Victims we help are also often referred by the police and other agencies, who we have good links with."

Although the Reaching Communities Grant will safeguard the forum for the next three years, the search is always on for different pots of funding, which in the past has come from local and national sources.

Trish added: "The forum is the only specialist domestic violence service in Rossendale and we want to see it continue for many more years to come.

We are committed to reducing the misery caused by domestic abuse, and will be re-launching with a new name in January.

"The statistics show that it provides vital support for hundreds of women, so this grant is a Christmas present for them all."

Six other initiatives in the North West shared almost £2million from the Big Lottery Fund's Reaching Communities programme, which supports initiatives that offer people better chances in life, build strong communities, improve local environments and promote healthy activities.