STAR players from Burnley Football Club spread some Christmas joy when they dropped in to visit youngsters at the town's hospital.

The players took time out of their busy training schedule to hand out presents to children in the Deerplay Ward yesterday.

And the youngsters were overjoyed to see stars such as Michael Duff, Alan Mahon and James O'Connor mingling with parents and staff as well as dishing out presents to all the children.

Clarets veteran Graham Branch handed a box of chocolates to Sophie Dundon, aged 10, from Nelson, who is waiting for an operation and may not be able to return home for Christmas.

He said: "I have a little baby so I don't really like seeing all these kids having to spend their Christmas in hospital.

"It is some consolation to know however they will be in a good place, and if we can make them feel better then that is great."

Winger Steve Jones has first-hand experience of what parents have to go through when their children are in hospital.

He said: "I had a baby in hospital for at least seven months. He's two-and-a-half now, but we have had an horrendous time." Connor Kemp, nine, is in hospital with abdominal pains and was given chocolates by his favourite player, defender Michael Duff.

Connor said: "He was very nice. We spoke about computer games and football."