IF you fancy yourself as a soccer songsmith and could pen a ballad for Blackburn Rovers you could become a star this Christmas.

Blackburn Rovers are looking for fans with the X Factor to give them a boost over the festive season.

The club wants supporters to come up with Christmas chants for the crowd at Ewood during the festive period and are encouraging them to record the chants on their phones or computers.

Supporters will be able to view the best ones on the website prior to the Liverpool and Middles-brough fixtures.

Fans can also send their lyrics to the sales and marketing team at Rovers along with the tune it should be sung to, the aim being to put words to a festive pop song.

The supporter who comes up with the best chant will receive two match tickets to a Premiership game of their choice in the New Year.

A spokesperson for Blackburn Rovers said: "A noisy crowd at Ewood Park is a real motivator for the team. We want to challenge them to help us over the festive period as we have some important matches coming up.

"There will be plenty of away supporters at both our home games during this period and we want to ensure Rovers fans out sing opposition supporters. We want fans to turn some of the Christmas songs we are hearing into football chants. People can be as creative as they want but they need to keep them clean."

And atmosphere was a topic up for discussion on Blackburn Rovers Ind-ependent Supporters Assoc-iation website.

One comment read: "Few will argue that the atmosphere at Ewood has changed over the years, like most Premiership grounds, the buzz of terrace culture has all but gone and many now don't find a match day the special event it once was."

The site encouraged fans to come up with ideas on how to improve the atmosphere.

To enter, email match days@rover-mail.co.uk' or sending their entry to Christmas Chants, Sales and Marketing Department, Blackburn Rovers, Ewood Park, Lancashire, BB2 4JF, by December 24.