DARWEN is to become one of two East Lancashire fire stations specialising in water rescues.

Lancashire fire and rescue service announced the move following a letter from the Health and Safety Executive warning that there may not be enough water rescue bases in the area.

Fire bosses are training a total of five pumps in Lancashire, including Nelson, to make a total of seven spread at equal distances across the county.

Preston and Penwortham fire stations currently cover the whole Lancashire area for water-based rescues.

Darwen watch manager Tony Hartley said: "Some of the firefighters are on a training course at the moment for water rescues.

"Every firefighter stationed in Darwen will be trained on the Swift Water Training course. The equip-ment for water rescues will be stored at the fire station and it is hoped that it will arrive at around March.

During the past four years, Lancashire firefighters have responded to 169 incidents on water and on 76 occasions fire crews had to enter the water often without the relevant training.

Mr Hartley said: "The more training we have, the better. A big part of Lancashire fire and rescue's focus is rescue they have taken on board the need for water rescue training.

"The decision to place a water rescue base was a strategic one and we welcome it. We have been trained to deal with chemical spillages and help in road traffic collisions, and this is another rescue we can help with.

"Any fire crew or personnel deployed to Darwen fire station will have to receive training before being stationed here."