A "SMALL-scale commer-cial" dealer who sold cannabis from his house in Haslingden has been jailed for 12 months.

Amir Khan, 22, of Lime Road, was caught out after police raided his home and found a "well-organised" operation with weighing scales, a list of dealers and bags of cannabis, Burnley Crown Court heard.

Khan said to have been peddling to fund his own habit, also kept amphetamine in the fridge.

He admitted possessing amphetamine, two counts of supplying cannabis and one of possessing the drug with intent to supply.

Sentencing, Judge Barbara Watson told Khan it was difficult to understand how an "intelligent young man" had got himself involved not only in the use of drugs, but in supplying it to others.

She said although "at the end of the chain" Khan played an important part in the distribution of drugs.

Judge Watson added: "The possession of drugs with intent to supply almost inevitably attracts a custodial sentence and that's so even though cannabis has recently been reclassified."

Jeremy Lasker, prosecuting, told the court police went to the defendant's then home in Rifle Street, last November.

They found amphetamine worth £87 in the fridge and a hard-back diary - an obvious dealer's list - with the defendant's fingerprints on in the living room.

Khan denied all knowledge of it and claimed he had never seen it before.

Behind the radiator were digital scales with traces of drugs on them and a block of cannabis worth £320 on the streets.

Mr Lasker said officers also discovered plastic snap bags containing cannabis in the living room and hidden in the kitchen.

Some £700 cash was found in a tool box and the defendant had money on him.

Khan was arrested and mostly made no comment in interview.

He had no previous convictions for drugs offences.

Philip Holden, defending, said Khan was under no illusions as to how the court would view his offending and the seriousness of it.

Mr Holden said: "The defendant is terrified of going to prison.

"The very fact of these proceedings has had a marked effect upon him."