A RANGER has been appointed to patrol a park at night in a bid to stop perverted sexual antics.

The move was made after the car park at the entrance to Wycoller Park, near Colne, became a favourite spot for so-called doggers' - couples and single people who meet strangers for sex.

And police also revealed they were cracking down on lewd behaviour' at a public toilet in Laneshawbridge.

Police said Wycoller Park, one of East Lancashire's best-loved beauty spots, is listed as a good site to visit on several dogging' websites.

But now officers and the county council have taken the step of employing a park ranger to patrol the car park after 7pm to make sure perverts are unable to spoil the area for genuine visitors.

And in Laneshawbridge police have joined forces with the parish council to try and stop the public conveniences in the village being used by cottagers.

Cottaging is where gay men meet up in public places for sex.

Police Constable Mark Whitehead, Community Beat Manager for the Colne Rural patch, said: "We have been made aware that Wycoller Park has appeared on some dogging websites, which has led to a ranger being employed to close up part of the car park at night.

"If people are prepared to come to public places like the park to engage in this activity then they run the risk of being arrested and prosecuted.

"We have had some issues with the toilets in Laneshawbridge being used by people for inappropriate sexual activity, but there is a reluctance to shut the building as it is used as an essential service by some.

"We have seen graffiti on the walls and even a hole cut into one of the doors so people can engage in sexual acts.

"The message must go out that anybody who is willing to engage in activity like this will be dealt with robustly by the police and runs the risk of arrest and being named and shamed if they appear in court."

Chair of Laneshawbridge Parish Council Roger Bucknell said: "This lewd behaviour is certainly not something we want to see in our village, but we are reluctant to close the toilets because they are also used legitimately.

"However we will certainly go along with the police and anyone who does use them inappropriately needs stamping on."

Alan Davies, leader of Pendle Council whose Boulsworth ward covers Wycoller, said: "This sort of thing has the potential to put off legitimate users of the park and I would support anything the police can do to try and put a stop to it."

Last year the Lancashire Telegraph revealed dozens of East Lancashire beauty spots were being tainted by perverts engaging in sexual antics.

Popular areas included Valentines Road, off the A666 at Darwen, now closed off, the reservoir at Entwistle and Crown Point near Burnley.

Police said the antics had reached "epidemic levels".