A DARWEN-born entertainer has come home for Christmas for the first time in 20 years to star in a festive pantomime.

And Andy Eastwood said he felt proud that the land opposite his former home had remained untouched by developers.

Andy, formerly of Watery Lane, said his parents, Walt and Christine, fought to stop a flats development being sited on open land across the road.

Their protests, along with those of other residents, resulted in planners turning down the scheme.

The entertainer has returned to East Lancashire to play Wishee Washee at Blackburn's Thwaites Empire Theatre production of Aladdin, which started last week.

When he arrived, his first action was to visit his old house and take a walk around the town which had become a distant memory after he left Darwen for Dorset as a five-year-old.

Andy, 26, said: "I feel like I have come home. It was really great to have a look around where I grew up. I went to nursery in Darwen but I can't remember which one it was.

"I couldn't wait to see my old house. I just had a look from the outside. It hadn't changed at all.

"I was so proud when I saw that the flats my parents battled so hard to stop were still nowhere to be seen. They would not have fitted in with the area then and they wouldn't now. They were refused because of the opposition to them."

"It is a lovely town. There is a lot of work going on at the moment. What is done looks great and I like the market for Christmas shopping.

"I don't have many memories of the area as I was so young when I left but it is great to come back for the first time. It feels good being here at Christmas. I hope to come back more often."

Andy's career has seen him perform as a multi-instrumental cabaret act in hotels and cruise ships. He has also worked with Ken Dodd and most recently appeared in shows in Blackpool, netting awards including Top Solo Artist.

He will be in the pantomime alongside stars including Alex Sheldon from Grange Hill as Aladdin, and Pete Lindup.

Aladdin runs until New Year's Eve - call the box office on 01254 680137.