A DRUNKEN yob who kicked a defenceless teen-ager unconscious in an unprovoked town-centre attack has been jailed for 15 months.

Burnley Crown Court heard how Jamie Brown, 22, of Adamson Street, Burnley, knocked his victim to the ground and then kicked him in the face.

The victim tried to get up but was kicked unconscious by Brown and was out for about five to 10 minutes.

The onslaught only came to an end when a group of men, including three off-duty police officers, intervened.

The judge was told that, after being charged with the assault, Brown failed to turn up for court and was arrested and sent to prison.

Sentencing, Judge Barbara Watson slammed the attack as "unprovoked and gratuitous" and said the 17-year-old victim was "completely defenceless" on the ground.

The judge told the defendant the jail term was to punish him and deter others.

She added: "There is very proper public concern about violence of this sort on the streets of this town."

The defendant admitted assault causing actual bodily harm, on March 5.

David Macro, prosecuting, told the court the victim, a student, had been out with friends. The defendant barged into him, shoulder to shoulder, and said: "Have you got a problem?"

Brown then punched him in the face until the 17-year-old went to the ground.

Philip Holden, defending, said Brown's behaviour had been "yobbish" and that the incident was "unprovoked and unpleasant".

The defendant had a problem with alcohol which seemed to have been escalating.